生存RPG:失落的宝藏/Survival RPG: The Lost Treasure-学习版-网盘下载
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这款游戏介绍:Oh no! You stranded on a desert island after a big storm. How will you survive and return home? Will you find the lost treasure you were looking for?
YOUR QUEST BEGINSSurvival RPG: The Lost Treasure is a retro RPG game with a survival twist. It combines adventure, exploration, RPG and survival skills in a 2D pixel art universe. Your quest is to survive in this harsh and unfamiliar environment by finding shelter and food, exploring dungeons and caves and finding a way back home.
TREASURE HUNTYou can’t come back empty-handed! You need to discover where the lost treasure lies. There are many islands to explore and you don’t know where the treasure is.
DESERT ISLANDS, REALLY?Be careful! The islands are full of strange creatures and you will have to fight monsters. Luckily, you will be able to craft tools, weapons and armors to help you on your journey.
Do you have what it takes to survive?
FULL LIST OF FEATURES- Exploration of multiple islands with dungeons, caverns, and dark forests.
– More than 70 items to gather, mine and craft.
– 40 crafting recipes that you will unlock during your adventure and exploration.
– Craft tools to help you in your quest.
– Discover hidden items.
– Find hidden treasures with treasure maps.
– Explore and solve puzzles.
– Fight monsters and the final boss.
操作系统 *: Windows 7
存储空间: 需要 50 MB 可用空间
* 2024 年 1 月 1 日(PT)起,Steam 客户端将仅支持 Windows 10 及更新版本。
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